MCMGA Book Club

Most gardeners are lifelong learners, right?

How many times have you picked up a book, checked in with a fellow gardener, or googled why there are brown spots surrounded with a white halo appearing on my Swiss chard leaves? Or where do those prehistoric looking insects come from and what are they up to? Or even how to redirect a persistent deer trail away from my plants?

For a unique blend of reading, learning and gardening, a group of Monroe County master gardeners has started a book club that explores the intersection of literature and the natural world. While some book titles might not seem directly related to gardening, each one offers valuable insights into humanity’s connection with nature.

We meet periodically (dates below) at the Monroe County Extension Office on South Walnut Street from October through February 2025. MCMGA members and the public are welcome to attend. Please consider joining us!


We meet on the first Wednesday of each month at 4 p.m.
at the Monroe County Extension Office.


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